Western Kentucky Pride Association | home
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GLBT Supportive Churches in Kentucky
MCC Elizabethtown Elizabethtown MCC
Zion United Church of Christ Henderson United Church of Christ
First Presbyterian Church Owensboro Presbyterian
New Hope UCC Owensboro United Church of Christ
MCC of Paducah Paducah MCC
United Church of Paducah Paducah United Church of Christ
UU Church Of Bowling Green
2033 Nashville Rd., Bowling Green
Chapter Type: Dignity Chapter
Location: PO BOX 983 CINCINNATI OH 45201-0983
Phone: (513) 557-2111
Other Organizations
Kentucky Fairness Alliance Owensboro Chapter
PO Box 1178
T: +1 270 683 6103
E: kfa_owb@hotmail.com
Kentucky Fairness Aliance Main Site
Gay & Lesbian Service Organization Pride Center of the Bluegrass
389 Waller Avenue,. Suite 100, Lexington, KY 40504
Phone: 859-253-3233
Fax: 859-253-1855
Web Address: www.bluegrasspride.org
E-mail Address: lexingtonglso@yahoo.com
PO Box 123
Berea, KY 40403
Phone: (859) 358-5610
PFLAG Louisville
PO Box 5002
Louisville, KY 40255
Phone: (502) 329-0229
ACLU of Kentucky
Gay Straight Alliance - Youth Group
Lexington - email: info@lexingtongsa.com
EKU Pride Alliance
521 Lancaster Ave., Richmond. 859-622-1000
Lavender Womyn of Central Kentucky
Les Be Connected Louisville Chapter,Lavender Womyn
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For a comprehensive list of Pride Events araound the world please visit...
Please note that GLBT clubs and bars have a way of being there one day and gone the next. Before venturing out for a night on the town we recommend that you call the location to make sure it is open.
Some bars listed below may cater to one or more sub cultures in the community exclusivly and therefore may not be the place for you. If the information below is incorrect please e-mail us and we will update the listings. E-mail_WESTKYPRIDE
Kentucky GLBT Bars & Clubs
Covington Area Code (606)
Rosie's Tavern 643 Bakewell St., 291-9707
Lexington Area Code (859)
The Bar Complex 224 E. Main St., 255-155
Louisville Area Code (502)
Connection Louisville 120 S. Floyd St., 585-5752
Magnolia Bar 1398 S 2nd St., 637-9052
Starbase Q 921 West Main St.
Teddy Bears 1148 Garvin Pl., 589-2619
Tryangles 209 S. Preston St., 583-6395
Paducah Area Code (270)
The Pride Factory 2118 Bridge St., 575-1995
Tennessee GLBT Bars & Clubs
Chattanooga Area Code (423)
Alan Gold's 1100 McCallie Ave., 629-8080
Chucks 27 W. Main St., 265-5405
Images 6005 Lee Highway, 855-8210
Tool Box 1401 E. 23rd St., 697-9400
Jackson Area Code (901)
The Other Side 3883 Hwy. 45 N., 668-3749
Johnson City Area Code (423)
New Beginnings 2910 N. Bristol Hwy., 282-4446
Try-Angles 123 E. Springbrook Dr., 915-0015
Knoxville Area Code (865)
Carousel II 1501 White Ave., 522-6966
The Electric Ballroom 1213 Western Ave., 525-6724
Rainbow Club 131 S. Central St., 522-6610
Memphis Area Code (901)
Backstreet Memphis 2018 Court St., 276-5522
Crossroads 102 N. Cleveland, 725-8156
The Jungle 1474 Madison
J. Wags Bar 1268 Madison, 725-1909
Lorenz 1528 Madison, 274-8272
Metro 1349 Autumn St., 274-8010
One More 2117 Peabody Ave., 278-6673
Pumping Station 1382 Poplar, 272-7600
Clarksville TN Area Code (931)
Angelica's Trailer
957 Commerce Street
651 North Riverside Drive
Nashville Area Code (615)
Tribe: www.tribenashville.com
1517 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37203
Blue Gene’s: www.bluegenes37203.com
1715 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 329-3508
Lipstick Lounge: www.thelipsticklounge.com
1400 Woodland Street
Nashville, TN 37206
(615) 226-6343
Play: www.playdancebar.com
1519 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37203
(615) 322-9627
Stirrup Nashville: www.stirrupnashville.com
1529 4th Ave S
Nashville, TN 37210
(615) 782-0043
TRAX: www.traxnashville.com
1501 2nd Ave S.
Nashville, TN 37210
(615) 742-8856
More GLBT Web Resources ( you may need to copy and paste the links into your web browser as we work to verify all links. If you find a broken link or a website that no longer exhists please let us know so that we can update these links )
![]() 365Gay.com
The daily gay newspaper online http://365gay.com/
A&U America's AIDS Magazine
Ambush Magazine
Advocate Magazine
The US-based national gay and lesbian newsmagazine. http://www.advocate.com/
Baltimore Gay Life Online
Baltimore OUTLoud
Bay Area Reporter
San Francisco gay, lesbian and bisexual political newspaper offers commentary on local social, sexual, and economic issues. http://www.ebar.com/
Bay Windows
New England's largest GLBT newspaperNew England based: news, community guide, humor, ads.
Bottom Line Magazine, The
Palm Springs, CAThe Bottom Line is the premier gay/lesbian/bisexual/ transgender managzine.
Brother Sister
Buzz Magazine
San Diego's list of resources for the gay community, including clubs, entertainment, organizations, sports, recreation, and businesses. http://www.sdbuzz.com/
Kansas City's Voice for the LGBT and allied communities.
Published 22 times/year (bi-weekly).http://www.campkc.com/
Chicago Free Press
Chicago Outlines
Colorado OUT Spoken
Gay Television (GLBT TV)gay lesbian bisexual transgendered bi trans GLBT weekly news and entertainment TV television PBS KBDI Channel 12 Sundays 11pm Denver Colorado. http://www.coloradooutspoken.org/
Commercial Closet
Bringing LGBT sensibilities to commercial advertising. http://www.commercialcloset.org/
Cybersocket Web Magazine
In print since 1999, is the largest freely distributed gay and lesbian periodical keeping gay and lesbian Web surfers and webmasters up to date on the latest Web trends by featuring informative articles and new site reviews. With 70,000 audited copies printed per issue, the magazine has worldwide subscriptions and a readership of over 200,000. http://www.cybersocket.com/index.cfm
The Voice of Hawaii's Out Community http://www.dakinemagazine.com/
Dallas Voice
The Community Newspaper for Gay & Lesbian Dallas http://www.dallasvoice.com/
Daily online news magazine which focuses on gay and lesbian issues. http://www.datalounge.com/
David Atlanta Magazine
Desert Daily Guide
Palm Springs Gay events listing and magazine. http://www.desertdailyguide.com/
Destinations for Men
Destinations for Men is the definitive gay men’s travel resource for interesting, fun, funny, irreverent, and sometimes unexpected information about the gay traveler... http://destinationsformen.com/
Digital GAY World
Provides links to several l/g publications from the Nederlands. http://www.gayworld.nl/
EastBay Voice
Resources for Lesbians, Gay Men, Transgender Folks and Bisexuals in the San Francisco East Bay.
Echelon Magazine
National, bi-monthly GLBT business publication. http://www.echelonmagazine.com/
ECHO Magazine
Echo is a biweekly magazine of news, culture and entertainment for a lesbian, bisexual, transexual, transgender and gay readership. http://www.echomag.com/
Empty Closet, The
New York State's Oldest Continuously-Published GLBT Newspaper -- Published since 1973 by the Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley.http://ec.gayalliance.org/
Erie Gay News
Erie and Northwest Pennsylvania: news, events, information and entertainment.
Express Gay News
Article archives and newsletter of Florida's leading gay and lesbian newspaper.
Fab Magazine
The Gay Scene Magazinefab magazine the gay scene magazine in Toronto Canada.
Frontiers Magazine
USA national lifestyle: gay & lesbian magazine. http://www.frontierspublishing.com/
The Gay and Lesbian Review
The Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide provides a forum for discussion about issues and ideas of importance to lesbians and gay men. http://www.glreview.com/
Gay and Lesbian Times
San Diego weekly offering news, ads and a community guide. http://www.gaylesbiantimes.com/
Gay Chicago Magazine
Features astrology, newswatch and an after dark section. http://www.gaychicagomagazine.com/
Gay City News
Newspaper in New York City covering NYC lifestyle: gay & lesbian entertainment. http://www.gaycitynews.com/
Gay Financial Network
Free daily news, weekly features, online trading, insurance, banking, and how-to advice. http://www.gfn.com/
Gay Guide Toronto
GayGuideToronto.com has been created to offer both the gay visitor to Toronto and members of the Toronto gay community a one-stop source that details where to go in Toronto http://www.gayguidetoronto.com/
Gay Health
GayHealth.com the first worldwide source of health and wellness information for the lesbian, gay, transgender, and bisexual communities founded and operated ... http://www.gayhealth.com/
Gay Lesbian International News Network
GLINN - Gay/Lesbian International News Network -- Gay News - Lesbian News - Biggest Most Updated Gay/Lesbian News Site on the Internet - Event Photos ...
Gay Link News
Providing gay and lesbian news to other gay and lesbian Internet sites, publications and businesses.
Gay Marriage World
Gay News Blog
GLBTQ news and views from across America and around the world updated throught the day.
Gay Parent Magazine
A magazine for gay and lesbian parents and those hoping to become gay and lesbian parents.
Gay People's Chronicle
Ohio's Weekly Newspaper for the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community. http://www.gaypeopleschronicle.com/
Gay Web Monkey Magazine
Gay Web Monkey Magazine... a fun and irreverent look at what's cool and what's new on the Gay & Lesbian Internet! http://www.gaywebmonkey.com/
Gaywire News Network
Press release news wire service for the GLBT communities. http://www.gaywire.net/newswire/index.cgi
Gayly Oklahoman, The http://www.gayly.com/
Denver's Favorite Monthly GLBT Publication! htpp://www.gayzettedenver.com
Tampa Bay Gay and Lesbian News http://www.gazettetampabay.com
Genre Magazine
National publication for gay men. Includes news, travel, fashion, entertainment, and feature stories.
South Africa's gay and lesbian portal http://www.gmax.co.za/
hinnerk: The Gay Magazine for North Germany (German)
Houston Voice
Weekly alternative newspaper for the gay community based in Houston.
Hub Triangle
Monthly electronic newsletter for the gay community in Lubbock, Texas.
HX magazine features NYC nightlife http://www.hx.com/
In Los Angeles Magazine
Gay LA nightlife http://www.inlamag.com
IN Newsweekly
New England's Largest GLBT Newspaper
In the Life
In the Life is a national television series in a newsmagazine format that reports on gay and lesbian issues and culture. http://www.inthelifetv.org/
Institute for Gay & Lesbian Strategic Studies
The Institute for Gay and Lesbian Strategic Studies is a nonprofit, independent think tank based in Amherst, Massachusetts. IGLSS provides policy-oriented research on issues of importance to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities. http://www.iglss.org.
Arizona's most popular gay magazine http://www.ionaz.com/
Island Scene Entertainment Guide
Cherry Grove - Fire Island Pines ...Island Scene is the most comprehensive entertainment guide to the Fire Island gay communities of Fire Island Pines and Cherry Grove. http://www.islandscene.net/
Just Out
Includes news, events schedule, links and contact information for Oregon and SW Washington.
Newspaper for gay people in Slovenia. http://www.ljudmila.org/siqrd/KeKe/index.html
Lavender Magazine
Liberty Press
Kansas state-wide, or Kansas City version, gay and lesbian newspaper. http://www.libertypress.net/
Logo is the newest channel from MTV Networks, the force behind channels like VH1, MTV, TV Land and SpikeTV. Logo is entertainment programming for lesbians and gays and just about anyone who enjoys a gay point of view. Logo is for us, our friends and our family. Logo is originals. Logo is movies. Logo is documentaries. Logo is news. Logo is specials. Logo is the channel for Gay America. Finally.
Metra Magazine
We have been serving the Gay/Lesbian community since 1979. We offer affordable advertising prices for gay and gay friendly establishments throughout the Midwest. http://www.metramagazine.com/
Metro Weekly
Metro Weekly guide to lesbian and gay DC bars, nightclubs, arts, entertainment, clubs, and events in Washington. http//www.metroweekly.com/
Metro G
The premier site for gay entertainment and events in Southern California! Serving our locations which include; The Inland Empire, Laguna Beach, ... http://www.metrog.com/
New England's oldest gay and lesbian publication. http://metroline-online.com/
Metro Source
Metrosource is a lifestyle magazine that reflects the cultural tastes and interests of the urban gay community.
Midwest Times
The Voice For A Diverse Community - A free alternative weekly serving a diverse midwestern readership with news, information, and entertainment. http://www.midwesttimes.com/
Mom Guess What Newspaper
Gay/lesbian newspaper serving Northern California and based in Sacramento. Covers political and world issues, entertainment calendars, and HIV news. http://www.mgwnews.com/index.html
New York Blade
Weekly newspaper for gay and lesbian community of New York City, NY. Includes local and world news, entertainment, classifieds, free personals, ... http://www.nyblade.com/
Next Magazine
The hippest guide to gay New York. http://www.nextmagazine.net/
Out & About Newspaper
Tennessee's GLBT Newspaper for the Nashville and Middle Tennessee. http://www.outandaboutnashville.com/
Out Front Colorado
Colorado's Largest GLBT Publication. http://www.outfrontcolorado.com/
Out FM
Out-FM, WBAI Radio's (99.5FM) Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender progressive public affairs program, ... http://www.outfm.org/
Out in Jersey Magazine
More Out & About Than Any Other Magazine in New Jersey.
Out in the Mountains
Vermont's statewide newspaper addressing g/l/b/t issues. Published monthly by Mountain Pride Media, Inc.
Alberta's gay newspaper.
OUT Magazine
Out NOW! Newspaper
Out Q Radio
Nationwide 24/7 community, information and entertainment, broadcast on the SIRIUS satellite network.
Out Traveler
Out Traveler Magazine - The Gold Standard of Gay Travel - America's premiere gay and lesbian travel magazine. http://www.outtraveler.com/
Outcome Buffalo
Buffalo & WNY Gay Lesbian Newspaper with local news coverage, entertainment and event listings.
Outlands Magazine
The west's LGBT magazine http://www.outlandsmagazine.com/
Outlet Radio
Listing of online GLBT radio programming. http://www.outletradio.com/
Outlook Weekly
Ohio's weekly gay newspaper http://www.outlooknews.com/
Outsmart Magazine is Houston's Gay and Lesbian online information source.
Outword Magazine
Source for news in the GLBT community, serving Northern and Central California. Feature articles, photos, advertising information and contact details. http://www.outwordmagazine.com/
Page One Q and Page One News is a liberal lesbian and gay news service, culling gay and lesbian news, politics and alternative news from around the globe. http://www.pageoneq.com/
Pam's House Blend
Blog about LGBT issues and politics. Join the debate at the Pam's House ...
Paper, The
Lesbian and gay newspaper for Monterey, CA.
Passport Magazine
Passport is an American travel magazine, written for a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender audience.
Philadelphia Gay News
National and local news; arts and events; editorials and telepersonals. http://epgn.com/
Newspaper for the Utah gay and lesbian community.
Pink Magazine
Launched in 1990 in New York, PINK Magazine (Originally PINK PAGES) was the first
magazine and community directory geared towards the gay market in Chicago
and Denver. http://www.pinkmag.com/
Pink Triangle Press
Canadian press for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, queers, homosexuals, fags and dykes covering entertainment, politics, news, HIV and AIDS issues in Xtra magazine. http://www.xtra.ca/
Pittsburgh Out
Monthly newspaper providing national and local news, local event listings and classifieds.
Planet Out's digital media brands include Gay.com PlanetOut.com OUT&ABOUT Travel, Advocate.com Out.com OutTraveler.com and HIVPlusMag.com as well as localized versions of the Gay.com site in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Planet Out print media brands include The Advocate, Out, The Out Traveler and HIVPlus, as well as Spec Pub, Inc. titles. Transaction services brands include e-commerce Web sites Kleptomaniac.com and BuyGay.com , travel and events marketer RSVP, book publisher Alyson Publications, and direct marketer Triangle Marketing Services, among others.
Positive Images
Message board and information on a support group for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, queer and questioning youth in Sonoma County. http://www.posimages.org/
POZ Magazine
POZ chronicles the HIV epidemic, both in the States and overseas. Supports AIDS healthcare providers and empowers patients through publications, ... http://www.poz.com/
Prairie Flame
The Prairie Flame is a free LGBT newspaper published in Springfield, Illinois.
Press Pass Q
Press Pass Q, a free monthly e-mail newsletter for gay and lesbian press professionals.
A free service for job seekers to locate jobs and employers to locate employees that are GLBT friendly.
Q-Notes Online
The Carolinas Most Comprehensive Gay & Lesbian Newssource. http://www.q-notes.com/
Milwaukee area arts and entertainment monthly. http://www.qvoice.com/
Queer Life News
Wisconsin’s Premiere LGBT News Leader. http://www.queerlifenews.com/
Wisconsin Gay Entertainment Guide http://www.quest-online.com/
QVegas Magazine
Las Vegas's Gay and Lesbian Voice for More Than 27 years. http://www.qvegas.com/
WXPN.org 88.5 Non-commercial public radio in Philadelphia - Hosted by Robert Drake, Q'zine celebrates queer arts and culture with a mix of ... Tune in to Q'zine, Sunday nights at 11:30pm ET on WXPN 88.5 FM
Revista Adelante
Gay Latin men's magazine offering free chat, horoscopes, events calendar, travel and restaurant guides; hombres latinos gay con charla, horoscopos, ... http://www.adelantemagazine.com/
San Francisco Bay Times
Weekly newspaper serving San Francisco's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender community, with news, event listings, resources, and personal ads. http://www.sfbaytimes.com/
San Francisco Spectrum Magazine Online
As a leading Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender newspaper, SF Spectrum, is committed to providing the best reporting of news, entertainment and information relative to our community in the SF Bay Area.
Seattle Gay News
Welcome to the Seattle Gay News Website. including most of the stories found in our print edition. Enjoy our local, national and international news stories, ... http://www.sgn.org/
Slant, The
Marin County's gay/lesbian/bisexual newspaper. http://www.theslant.org/
Southern Voice
Southern Voice is the main lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender newspaper in Atlanta, Georgia and the Southeast. http://www.sovo.com/
Spirit Boston Magazine
Boston's premier magazine for the gay and lesbian http://www.bostonspiritmagazine.com/
Stonewall News Northwest
Serving the GLBTQA Community of the Inland Northwest Since 1992. http://www.stonewallnews.net/
Sydney Star Observer
gay and lesbian news from down under. http://sso.rainbow.net.au/
This Way Out
On the air since 1988, This Way Out is the award-winning internationally distributed gay and lesbian radio program, currently airing on over 125 local stations around the world and on short wave station Radio For Peace International. http://www.outinamerica.com/
Profile and weblog focusing on gay culture, politics, media, entertainment, technology, fashion, gossip and life; in New York City. http://www.towleroad.com/
Tucson Observer
Magazine in Tucson, Arizona USA covering Tucson lifestyle: gay & lesbian entertainment.
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Newspaper and Website of St. Louis, Missouri.
UK Gay News
Washington Blade, The
Weekly newspaper covering local, national, and international Gay community news, and including feature articles and reviews of arts and entertainment events, as well as several calendars and directories.
Watermark Media
Florida's Distinctive Gay & Lesbian Publication. http://www.watermarkonline.com/
The ultimate online guide to gay events and businesses in Los Angeles and West Hollywood California.
Windy City Radio (WCKG-FM 105.9)
WINDY CITY RADIO, a gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered radio program created and owned by Windy City Times newspaper, airs from 10:00-11:00pm on WCKG. http://www.windycityqueercast.com/
Windy City Times (OUTlines Newspaper)
Chicago's gay and lesbian newsweekly. http://www.wctimes.com/
Word, The
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender newspaper for Indiana, Western Ohio, Kentucky and Eastern Illinois.
Xtra (Pink Triangle Press)
Pink Triangle Press is a Canadian non-profit organization which publishes the gay magazines Xtra!, Xtra! West and Capital Xtra! http://www.xtra.ca/
XY Magazine
XY Magazine, the only national magazine dedicated solely to the interests and needs of young gay men.
YGA Magazine
Targets teens and twentysomething gay youth. Includes fashion, interviews, advice and lifestyle columns, plus photos and games. http://www.ygamag.com
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